Monday, January 29, 2018

Puffle Guide

So you want to get a puffle, eh? Well, if you're wondering what species to get, and how to care for it, look no further! This is a guide that will tell you all you ever need to take care of your puffle.

Types of Puffles

There are no less than 12 different species of puffles, and each one has a different personality.

Red Puffle
The red puffle is known for being adventurous. It's up for anything, especially Catchin' Waves, which is its favorite game! Its favorite food is stinky cheese. Red puffles were originally from Rockhopper Island. If you're an adventure-lover who loves surfing, you should adopt a red puffle!

Orange Puffle
The orange puffle is random and crazy! Its favorite food is socks, and it loves being weird. It has strong teeth, and loves to play with its favorite toy - a wagon. Some say that orange puffles can eat fridges whole! If you're a curious and funny oddball who loves being random, you should adopt an orange puffle.

Yellow Puffle
The yellow puffle is creative and artistic. It loves making music and painting pictures. Its favorite food is popcorn. Yellow puffles will draw and paint on anything, so make sure to keep your furniture protected! If you're artsy and spontaneous, you should adopt a yellow puffle.

Green Puffle
The green puffle is silly and energetic. It loves to laugh, and its favorite game is Jet Pack Adventure! Green puffles are fun-loving and very outgoing. If you're playful and love to laugh, you should adopt a green puffle.

Blue Puffle
The blue puffle is loyal and kind. Its favorite snack is pretzels, and it loves playing with snowballs. Blue puffles can bounce extra high, because they have so much energy. If you're a friendly team player who wants a faithful companion, you should adopt a blue puffle!

Purple Puffle
The purple puffle is fabulous and quirky. Its favorite game is Dance Contest, and its favorite toy is the disco ball. Purple puffles can seem picky, but in reality they're super lovable. If you're bold and stylish, you should adopt a purple puffle.

Pink Puffle
The pink puffle is athletic and sweet. It loves watermelon, sports, and jumping on trampolines. A pink puffle's favorite game is Aqua Grabber. If you're happy, sporty, and optimistic, you should adopt a pink puffle.

White Puffle
The white puffle is shy and caring. It's the smallest of all of the puffles! Its favorite food is a yogurt parfait, and it has ice powers. White puffles may be small, but they're powerful. If you're quiet and kind, and a good listener, you should adopt a white puffle.

Black Puffle
The black puffle is moody and intense. It is often perceived to be mean and grumpy, when in actuality it is a giant sweetheart, if only you give it a chance. Black puffles love the game Cart Surfer. If you're strong and mysterious, you should adopt a black puffle.

Brown Puffle
The brown puffle is smart and clever. It's also afraid of balloons, and it blinks a lot. Brown puffles love to play with rockets, and eat astronaut ice cream. If you're a unique, inventive genius, you should adopt a brown puffle.

Gold Puffle
You can adopt the gold puffle by feeding your puffle a golden O-berry from the machine at the pet shop. From there, you must dig up 15 gold nuggets, and then you will be able to power the jackhammer at the mine and obtain your gold puffle.

Rainbow Puffle
You can adopt the rainbow puffle by visiting the Puffle Hotel, completing all 4 tasks of the Rainbow Puffle Quest, and getting launched from the rooftop cannon to claim your rainbow puffle.

Caring for your Puffle

When you click on your puffle, a menu will pop up that shows you your puffle's stats - Hunger, Happiness, Grooming, and Rest. You can feed your puffle different foods to fill up the hunger bar, but what about the others?

Happiness: Play with your puffle. I recommend playing with their favorite toy. Since the brown puffle's favorite toy is a rocket, you can buy that from the Puffle Catalog and use it to entertain him/her/them.

Grooming: Wash your puffle. You can also brush your puffle, but washing it is much more effective.

Rest: Make your puffle sleep. Your puffle might prefer sleeping in a puffle bed, which you can buy in the Puffle Catalog.

Have fun with your new puffle, and comment down below what your favorite species of puffle is! (Mine is a tie between brown, gold, and rainbow.)

Indigo out!

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